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How HCA coaches are

changing lives


We are on a mission to help more people who might not typically have access to health coaching and to share the efficacy of this fast-growing profession.  

In collaboration with non-profit organisations worldwide, HCA is dedicated to enhancing the lives and wellbeing of deserving communities. This is part of Project RIO, which stands for Research & Development, Innovation, and Outreach.

As part of the Outreach component, we facilitate the placement of student and graduate Health Coaches in non-profit organisations to support communities in need globally. 

This initiative provides our students and graduates with valuable experience working in diverse communities, allowing them to make a real difference, build their confidence, and add a whole new dimension to the quality of their coaching. 

Outreach Projects:

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Happy In Your Body is a London-based Community Interest Company (CIC), which empowers disadvantaged women in London, offering a holistic programme that includes health coaching, complementary therapies, and lifestyle medicine courses. 

Clara, an HCA student, volunteered for several weeks, providing invaluable Health Coach support that significantly benefited the participants through both one-to-one mentoring sessions and group sessions. She dedicated her time to meeting with a group of women weekly to establish their goals and take proactive steps towards better health and a happier life.


"Clara has been a great asset to our program. She has provided wonderful support and recently led a group session for which we were delighted to compensate her."



“I was eager for hands-on work experience, and when I saw this opportunity, I knew I had to apply. The women I have worked with have been incredible - they've undergone life-changing journeys and many can’t wait for the next programme to begin. Imagine the impact if more interventions like this were available. Health Coaches are really needed out there; we can make such a difference.

To other training Health Coaches, I encourage you: don't hesitate to apply yourselves and get involved. Many people are unaware of what health coaching involves, so it's crucial we're out there, making our role known.”


  Clara at HCA 3-day Health   Coach Live training event  

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  HCA student, Jerry, delivering group   health coaching to Bellhaven clients  


The Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre offers medical and psycho-social services to approximately 200 low-income clients dealing with substance use disorders. Our students and graduates leveraged their health coaching skills to support Bellhaven's members in various capacities, with nine participating in a 6-week programme, volunteering both in-person and online.

The work they have done has positively impacted many lives in numerous ways:

  • Clients have expressed feeling deeply heard and understood, achieving both small victories and major breakthroughs in their health journeys. 

  • Health professionals, often prioritising others' wellbeing, have finally been able to put their own self-care first . 

  • Innovations sparked during group sessions led by Health Coaches have inspired new approaches and insights. 

  • Through a supportive community of practice and mentoring, HCA students and graduates have seen their confidence and competence grow. 

"I think every person needs a Health Coach"

Hear what the members and staff at Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre said about their experience of health coaching.

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Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre

“It has been an incredible journey for me. I have improved in many aspects of my life. I feel much better and much healthier than before. I have regained my focus, dedication and productivity and I am able to complete my tasks on time”

Clovis, Bellhaven Client

I am really grateful for the opportunity to access a Health & Wellness Coach. The sessions have brought my dream back of running an orphanage. This always looked almost impossible to achieve looking at my current ‘location’. Health coaching has helped this vision to come alive again. It has revived self-awareness, self-value, and self-patience.

Nkeka, Bellhaven Client

“The experience has been amazing for me. Initially I doubted the whole experience. I counsel people, I don’t want to be counselled. But it was a great experience and my coach Hlengi was amazing!”

Bellhaven Client

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